May 7, 2024

How is Chess Played?

Chess is the favorite game of intelligence on the planet. It is the marriage of creativity and intelligence and does not require too much time for the player to learn the basic rules. To master Chess, however, you must practice long hours to discover new strategies to outperform new challenges you will encounter while meeting new players.

Recently, we saw Chess rocketing back to the boards to cater to the new generation’s interest. Through the use of apps now, everyone can play Chess games from the safety of their homes during these turbulent times of COVID infection. Just visit one of the popular websites and download Chess game to get a digital format of the classic game so you can entertain yourself by battling players from around the world.

Before jumping into real matches, let us look into how the Chess game is played and what laws bind the pieces of the game.

Set Up the Game

The game of Chess involves many playing tokens, and as a player, you must remember all their positions and functions. Each player gets 16 pieces in the game, and they have to arrange them on their side of the board initially. First, the board has to be placed right, so there is a white square on the right side that faces you and a black square on the extreme left. From then on, you have to put in the pieces according to their rank. Knowing all the ranks in Chess is critical to correctly play the game.

All Pawns are arranged in the penultimate row on your side of the board, and each player gets 8 Pawns. In the base row, the King and Queen are placed next to each other in the middle squares, accompanied by the Bishop, who is two in number and placed on both sides. The Knights come next to the Bishops, and the Rooks are placed at the bottom ends of the board. You get two Bishops, two Knights, and two Rooks for your Chess game.

Role of King

All pieces on the Chessboard have different sets of moves, and you need to learn the specific ways these characters act to get control over your game. The King, the most critical piece on the board, has minimal moves on the Chessboard. The piece can only move one adjacent box on all of its sides. It can shift diagonal, front, back, sideways, or whatever the situation demands. Since the game’s goal is to get to the King of the opponent and capture it, all other pieces are generally used to protect the King from being exposed to a tight spot on the board.

Role of Rook

This piece is placed on both ends of the Chessboard and moves in straight lines. Rook is involved in many power plays and is considered one of the significant pieces in Chess gaming. Since they can move horizontally and vertically across the board, they are the swiftest pieces that pose a severe threat to the opposing team when used together to pressurize the opponent’s side.

Role of Knight

The Knight is a piece used in a very misleading manner on the board. As the name suggests, it can move like a horse, and the shape it takes while moving represents the ‘L’ alphabet. It goes two steps forwards and then one sideways. In plays where the Knight is used primarily, it gets pretty difficult to judge what moves they are making. Also, the Knight is the only piece that can jump over other pieces, making it symbolic of the horse character. You can use this technique to get into compact places and invade the opponent’s side of the board.

Role of Bishop

The Bishop sits next to the Queen and the King, and their movement around the board is only diagonal. One Bishop uses the white squares, and the other Bishop uses the black squares. Many strategies in Chess use Bishop as a final piece to seal a checkmate on the opponent.

Role of Queen

The most powerful piece on the Chessboard is the Queen. It can move across the board in both diagonal and straight lines. It would help if you learned to use the Queen effectively to counter the opponent, as most people chase the opponent’s Queen first to capture it.

Role of Pawn

The Pawn is the most common piece on the Chessboard. Unlike other pieces, a Pawn can only move forward in the board game. It can make a diagonal move to capture other pieces, but it is if there is a piece that has moved in a single diagonal square of the Pawn. Once the Pawn has captured that piece, it has to move along that line for the rest of its future moves, or it can shift after making another capture.

How to Check

To check on the King, you must bring your pieces closer to the King and make a move that sets the King as the next target. Unlike other moves, a check on the King has to be announced by the rival player, so the opponent realizes he is under threat of a loss.

How to Checkmate

The main objective is to capture the King of the opponent, which results in defeat for the rival. Checkmate is the board’s final move, and the game ends after this is declared. Checkmate happens when you arrange your pieces in a manner so that no matter what steps the rival King takes, he will be captured in the next move, and there is no way out.

Final Thoughts

These are all the primary rules required to play Chess for a beginner. Of course, as you gain more experience, you will need to devise strategies that will get you intelligent and fast wins since the longer you play, the more difficult it becomes to gauge the loopholes of the opposing player. However, with this essential set of rules, you are all set to go and face some players and have a first-hand experience of this famous board game.

Sneha Shukla

I am an admin at shayarikidiary. I like to share information and knowledge. I love expressing my thoughts through my articles. Writing is my passion. I love to write about travel, tech, health, fashion, food, education, etc. In my free time, I like to read and research. My readings and research help me to share the information through my thoughts.

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